Hi there! How are you?!
What a weird season this has been… I don’t even know where to start!
Life update
[Warning: If you’re not in the mood for reading about feelings of overwhelm, just skip to the ‘Mini Vlog’ paragraph below. I totally understand!]
I wish I could tell you I’m all relaxed and feel rejuvenated after a long summer of sunshine and swimming pools.
Unfortunately, that’s not the case.
I’m sure I always say I’m not autumn-ready. However, this time, it’s not about summer nostalgia.
I actually can’t wait for this summer to be over.
Going into July, I knew I’d have a lot of work on my plate. However, I did not factor in how much of a struggle it would be to complete the tasks.
Just the weather alone made it difficult and frustrating enough. Here in the Netherlands, we’ve had heat waves alternating with gloomy, rainy days without end.
You can imagine that gel printing in sweltering heat isn’t great, and you’ll have to trust me that gloomy days aren’t great for recording video. Top that with some technical mishaps, and… Let’s say I wasn’t having much fun.
It made me nervous and then anxious.
In the meantime, I accumulated a small collection of minor physical ailments. My energy levels decreased as the weeks progressed. And then, finally, I caught a hefty cold.
Yeah. All in all a not so great summer.
However, as you can see in the 'vlog’, I did manage to do at least a few fun things.
Mini Vlog
The first getaway you see in the mini vlog is our visit to the Cobra Museum in Amstelveen (close to Amsterdam).
We love this museum and the running exhibitions are absolutely wonderful.
Last week the Dutch news outlets reported that the city council of Amstelveen is of the opinion that the museum is spending too much money. They want to close it down.
Which is mind blowing to me. However, maybe there is more to this story than I’m aware of. I truly hope they change their minds though!
The second outing was on a particularly rainy day. We debated whether to go or not go over the German border to Münster.
We decided that if we visited one of the museums, we’d be dry for at least some part of the day.
And, we were right. We spent hours and hours at the LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur with a collection of objects from the Middle Ages all through to contemporary art.
On a Saturday that started out with rain, we drove to the beach. And lucky for us, the skies cleared and we could even go for a walk along the shore.
And finally, I can never get enough of heathland in bloom. I don’t believe this is a particularly good year, however, perhaps we missed the best time. Not sure. And, of course, it was raining…
Not on camera: We also spent an afternoon browsing a flea market in Apeldoorn. I’m not exactly sure why, but I did not even take any photos.
I do remember it as a low-energy day, so perhaps that’s all the explanation needed.
OK, that’s a wrap!
Wishing you a happy Monday!
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